Inquiry No. 1/2018 | Published on 13/12/2018
Ladies and Gentlemen, in relation to Anna Bednarz’s “Castex” tender proceedings within the framework of the project entitled “Development of a mechanical design and making a prototype of a pallet loading device for zero points”, we invite you to submit offers.
Załącznik nr 1 – Formularz ofertowy Castex
Załącznik nr 2 – Oświadczenie o posiadaniu potencjału Castex
Załącznik nr 3 – Oświadczenie o braku powiązań Castex
Załącznik nr 4 – Specyfikacja techniczna do zapytania ofertowego 1/2018
Inquiry # 1 | Published on 12.01.2017
Ladies and Gentlemen, in connection with the efforts of the Castex company Anna Bednarz based in Bydgoszcz 85-719, ul. Fordońska 46G to obtain funding for the implementation of the project as part of a competition implemented under Sub-measure 2.3.2 Bony for innovations for SMEs, announced by PARP, we ask you to send your offer for the purchase of research service R & D for the headstock and mounting device object pallets on the machine table.
The offer should be submitted in writing and electronically by 19 January 2017. according to the attached inquiry.
Zapytanie ofertowe nr 01-01-2017 .PDF
Inquiry # 2 | Published on August 22, 2017
In connection with the planned implementation of the project Fri “Increase of CASTEX export through implementation of the Go to Brand program” under SUBSIDY 3.3.3: Support for SMEs in the Product Brands Promotion – Go To Brand of the Intelligent Development Operational Program, 2014-2020, Castex Anna Bednarz announces in accordance with the principle of competitiveness offer inquiry for the purchase of the following services in the project: Advisory service for introducing the company’s products to the US. Training in the acquisition of skills related to the diagnosis and improvement of product manufacturing processes.
Foreign market: The deadline for submitting offers expires on 29/08/2017 at 16:00